What is Blue Light and what damage can it cause?

All "new light sources" ( Smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, e-readers, LEDs & xenon lamps, low energy light bulbs ) designed to make our life better and easier contain a bigger proportion of blue light. Which means that we are exposed to importantly more blue light than we used to.

How does it have an effect on our eyes?

If you spend two hours minimum in front of a digital screen you are subject to the development of painful inflammation and discomfort. The emission of large quantities of blue light can damage the eye and is one cause of digital eye strain. Indeed, in addition to causing painful inflammation and discomfort, it can also damage the lens of the eye, especially the retina (macular degeneration).  The long term effect of spending more time on the screen - at home and at the office, can potentially develop eyes irritations.
The main symptoms are :
- vision disorders
- eye burns
- headaches
- sleep disorders.

In total, nearly two-thirds of Americans have been tested and 60% report symptoms of Digital Eye Strain. It is increasing of 7% per generation. 43% of today jobs require prolonged computer use and 1/3 of workers spend between 6.5 and 8 hours of the day in front of their screen which leads to an average of 1,700 hours per year spent in front of a computer or laptop! Yes, it is a lot! And we didn't even add the hours spend out of the office on mobile, tablets, tv etc...!

Yes, we believe that digital eye strain is a real condition that we must take seriously!

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